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How To Use Red Light Therapy At Home For Best Results

Red light therapy has become a popular way to improve skin health and reduce the signs of ageing. It’s also used to help with various other health issues, such as muscle pain, seasonal affective disorder and acne. With the increasing popularity of red light therapy and the availability of purchasing RLT devices, many people are looking for ways to use RLT at home. But can you get the same results as if you'd done your treatments in-office? It’s entirely possible if you follow these simple tips!

Determine Your Treatment Area/Condition

Many people wonder how to choose the best red light therapy device but this is often dependent on what you are treating. For example, if you're hoping to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, you'll want to focus on using the red light therapy device on your face, in which case a device like the Aduro LED Mask would be the best choice for you. If you're dealing with sun spots on your arms, chest and legs, you will need to treat a larger area of your body and choose larger red light therapy panels.

Once you've determined the treatment area, it's important to understand how long you need to use the device in order to see results. Generally, most people will see some improvement after just a few sessions of red light therapy. However, for more stubborn conditions, it may take longer to see results. Be patient and consistent with your treatments, and you should start to see some positive changes over time.

How To Use Red Light Therapy At Home

As a cutting-edge treatment for anti-ageing and a host of other conditions, red light therapy is non-invasive, safe and pain-free. But some preparation and diligence is required in order to see the best results. Now that you have chosen your red light therapy device, there are a few important points you should consider:

Prepare Your Skin

It is always best to start with clean skin, as certain cosmetic products can affect how the red light penetrates your skin. Cleanse with a non-greasy formula and skip the creams, make-up and sunscreen to ensure maximum absorption of the red light. These products could block your pores and decrease the effectiveness of your treatments.

Follow The Recommended Frequency

Many people also wonder about red light therapy frequency and while this varies between devices and the condition you are treating, the general recommendation is a minimum of 2-3 times a week. For optimal results 3 - 5 times a week brings better results. If you've got the time and are after faster results, you can choose to use the red light therapy device daily, even multiple times a day.

Session duration is generally 5 to 10 minutes but can be up to 20 minutes long depending on the area of treatment and your condition. For example, a stubborn muscle ache may respond faster to daily or twice daily 20-minute sessions than short, sporadic sessions.

So, I bet you are wondering, can you overdo red light therapy? Yes and no. Yes, in that you won’t reap any additional benefits from a one-hour session than you would a 20-minute session. No, in that it is a very safe treatment with no side effects or risks.

Use Your Device At The Correct Distance

Red light therapy is most effective when used at the correct distance from the device. For the treatment of skin issues, it is recommended to keep a distance of between 30 cm and 90cm. For stubborn areas or where deeper light penetration is required, you can position yourself 15 cm to 30cm from your red light therapy panels. This is the optimal red light therapy distance to keep for the best results.

If you were wondering, "does red light therapy work through clothes?" The answer is no! If you are treating areas of the body or full body, the areas will need to be fully unclothed to be properly exposed to red light. Clothing can block the light from entering the skin.

Don't Stare Straight Into The Light

While red light therapy is generally safe, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you're thinking about using it at home. Don't stare directly into the light source, as this could damage your eyes, especially if they are sensitive to light.

Set A Schedule & Reminders

If you want to use red light therapy at home for the best results, it is important to set a schedule and reminders. By setting a schedule, you will ensure that you are consistent with your treatments. Reminders can help you stay on track with your treatments and make sure that you do not miss any sessions.

It is important to find a time that works for you to do your treatments to improve adherence. You may need to experiment with different times of day to find a time you are most likely to stick to.

Take Progress Pictures

Because results can be subtle at first, it is important to take progress pictures to remain consistent. This will help you track your progress and see if the treatment is working for you.

If you are not sure how to take progress pictures, here are some tips:

1. Use a digital camera or smartphone.

2. Take a picture of your face or the area you are treating from the same angle each time.

3. Use natural lighting whenever possible.

4. Take pictures every week or two weeks for the best results.

Consider Combining Treatment With Supplements and Skin Products

When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of products and treatments out there that promise to give you the best results. But what works for one person might not work for another. So, it's important to find what works best for you and your skin type.

  • Using a quality anti-wrinkle skin cream or serum like Retinol can also help maximise the effects of red light therapy.
  • Products containing Green Tea Extract can bring about results 10x faster than light therapy alone, according to the American Chemical Society.
  • Supplements like collagen or vitamin C can help improve the appearance of your skin by boosting skin hydration and collagen production.

Other Useful Tips

1. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations: Every device is different, so it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to use it safely and effectively.

2. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can lead to dull, sullen skin and muscle aches, which will not positively contribute to your progress. Staying hydrated can help amplify results and improve your overall health.

3. Be patient: Don't expect overnight results - it takes time for skin changes to occur from red light therapy as well as any of the other red light therapy benefits. However, you should start seeing some improvement in your skin within 4-6 weeks of consistent treatment.

Final Takeaway

Armed with this information, you should have a good understanding of how to use red light therapy at home for the best results. Here are some final takeaways:

  • It is important to choose an FDA-approved red light therapy device that emits the right wavelength of light for your specific needs.
  • Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when using red light therapy at home.
  • You may need to use red light therapy several times a week for best results.


American Chemical Society. "LED Light And Green Tea Cream Smooth Facial Wrinkles." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 September 2009. <>.

Ablon, Glynis. “Phototherapy with Light Emitting Diodes: Treating a Broad Range of Medical and Aesthetic Conditions in Dermatology.” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology vol. 11,2 (2018): 21-27.

Red Light Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Almost 28 million adults in the UK report suffering from chronic pain of varying levels of discomfort. Of this group at least 2% experience uncomfortable sensations and pain due to fibromyalgia. While research into the condition is still going on all over the globe, the condition often goes undiagnosed or untreated, leaving those afflicted to deal with their chronic pain alone. However, with advancements in medicine, particularly in technologies such as Red Light Therapy (RLT), there is hope for fibromyalgia sufferers to receive more effective treatments for their symptoms.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, anxiety and depression. While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms.

These debilitating symptoms have far-reaching consequences. People with fibromyalgia may find it difficult to socialise or keep up a job. They may have to modify their day to work around the pain.

What Causes Fibromyalgia?

There is no definitive cause of fibromyalgia, but it is thought to be related to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. One theory is that it may be caused by changes in the way the brain processes pain signals.

Fibromyalgia often develops after a physical or emotional trauma, such as a car accident or the death of a loved one. There may also be a link between fibromyalgia and certain medical conditions such as arthritis, Lyme disease and endometriosis.

Treating Fibromyalgia

There are many different treatment paths that people with fibromyalgia can take. Some common treatments include:

Exercise and physical therapy: This can help to increase muscle strength and endurance, improve joint function, and decrease pain.

Medications: There are various medications that can be used to treat fibromyalgia, such as pain relievers, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs.

Counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy: These therapies can help people with fibromyalgia manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Alternative therapies: Some people with fibromyalgia find relief with alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage or yoga.

Red Light Therapy: Red light therapy is an increasingly popular treatment option for people with fibromyalgia. This therapy uses low levels of red light to reduce inflammation and pain. A growing body of research suggests that red light therapy can be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia.

How Red Light Therapy Can Help Treat Fibromyalgia

Red light therapy uses red low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to treat various conditions. RLT is sometimes referred to as photobiomodulation or low-level laser therapy. Red light therapy is considered safe with no side effects when instructions are followed correctly.

Red light therapy for fibromyalgia may help to:

  • reduce pain
  • improve sleep quality
  • increase energy levels
  • decrease stiffness and improve range of motion

Red light therapy works by stimulating the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the major source of energy for cells and is required for many cellular processes. By increasing ATP production, red light therapy may help to reduce pain and inflammation, increase oxygenation and improve cell function. Think of your body like a battery, fibromyalgia and similar conditions deplete the charge of your battery. Red light therapy stimulates ATP production, recharging your bodies battery.

There may be even more to the anti-inflammatory effects, however. Microglia are the primary immune cells of the central nervous system and are responsible for the surveillance and removal of damaged neurons. When microglia are activated, they release inflammatory cytokines and other molecules that can contribute to pain. Additionally, activated microglia release chemicals that can inhibit nerve growth and regeneration, further exacerbating pain. Finally, recent research has shown that microglial activation may be involved in the development of centralized sensitization, a key feature of fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that red light therapy can convert inflammatory macrophages into anti-inflammatory cells, thereby reducing the inflammation associated with fibromyalgia.

Studies have shown that red light therapy can stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which acts to dilate blood vessels. Reduced vasoconstriction leads to increased blood flow throughout the body. In addition to this, RLT has been found to stimulate the formation of new blood cells.

A 2019 study found that red light therapy was effective in reducing pain, depression, and anxiety and improving the quality of life in people with fibromyalgia. The study participants who received red light therapy had significant improvements in pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, and mental well-being compared to those who did not receive the therapy.

Treat Fibromyalgia At Home with Red Light Therapy

If you find your condition dismissed and that conventional treatments have yet to improve your symptoms, red light therapy can in fact be used effectively to treat fibromyalgia in the comfort of your home. You can purchase a red light therapy device for home use and use it as recommended for pain relief, improved sleep and an overall boost in your general wellness. If you are struggling with pain all over your body, you may get the greatest benefit from a full body red light panel.

Red light therapy is a promising treatment for fibromyalgia, especially as this condition is often poorly managed under standard medical intervention. It addresses the symptoms at a cellular level leading to improvements globally throughout the body.

Your choice of device is important. If you are unsure of which to choose to best suit your needs and budget or you wish further information on how our products can help you, please reach out for a complimentary consult via this link: 

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) light therapy

Winter can feel dark and dreary, and unless you're planning to jet off to the Bahamas for the season, there isn't a way out. Suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) during the winter months can be rough and if conventional treatments haven't helped you much, there is light at the end of the tunnel, quite literally. Red light therapy (RLT) is showing promise as an effective seasonal affective disorder treatment, potentially bringing relief to millions of sufferers across the UK and the globe.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

As the weather gets colder and the days grow shorter, some people start to feel a change in their mood. They may feel tired, have trouble concentrating, and experience changes in their appetite. For some people, these feelings are more than just the “winter blues.” They may have a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of depression that occurs at the same time each year. It usually starts in Autumn or Winter and goes away during the Spring or Summer. SAD is more common in people who live in Northern latitudes, where there is less sunlight in winter. It’s also more commonly reported in women and young adults. In the UK, a study found that almost 35% of the UK population report a mood decrease from Autumn.

People with SAD may not have all the symptoms of major depression. But they typically have enough symptoms to interfere with their daily life. The most common symptom of SAD is feeling depressed most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks straight. Other common symptoms include:

  • Feeling sluggish or agitated
  • Having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • Feeling hopeless, worthless, or guilty
  • Having difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Avoiding social activities
  • Low productivity

How to Cure Seasonal Depression

There are a number of SAD treatment options for those afflicted by this debilitating disorder, so you needn’t suffer. SAD can be treated with antidepressant medications, light therapy, and psychotherapy.

1. Light Therapy

One of the most common treatments for SAD is light therapy, also called phototherapy, photobiomodulation or red light therapy. Light therapy involves sitting in front of a special light box that emits bright red light for 30 minutes to two hours every day. The Mayo Clinic recommends using the light therapy device with an hour of waking up for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day.

The light box is usually placed on a desk or table where you can work or read while you’re receiving treatment. Some people find that their symptoms improve after just a few days of red light therapy, but others may need to continue treatment for several weeks. A study found that some people reported an improvement in depression scores after just an hour of light therapy.

2. Antidepressant Medications

Antidepressant medications can also be effective in treating severe cases of SAD. These medications increase levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help improve mood. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed type of antidepressant for SAD. If medication is deemed necessary, your doctor will work with you to find the most suitable one.

Antidepressants can take between 4-6 weeks to kick in and start bringing relief, which is a long wait if you are in the throes of a very bad episode of SAD.

3. Psychotherapy 

Oftentimes, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be beneficial to SAD sufferers. CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps people identify and change negative thinking and behaviour patterns.

NLP is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing the way people think and communicate with themselves and others.

4. Combination of Treatments

Often a combination of SAD treatments is required for the best outcome. For example, if your doctor requires you to start medication, it can be beneficial for you to start red light therapy at home in order for you to find some quick relief while the medication takes effect. The Aduro LED Face Mask allows you to reap the benefits of red light therapy in the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of Light Therapy on SAD

Light therapy offers a number of benefits to those struggling with SAD. Red light therapy has been shown to be an effective seasonal affective disorder therapy. A number of studies have shown that red light therapy can help to improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and increase energy levels in people with SAD. Additionally, red light therapy can help to improve sleep quality in people with SAD.

Red light therapy works by exposing the person to bright light. The bright light helps to regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythm, which can be off balance in people with SAD. Additionally, red light can help boost levels of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that is linked to mood regulation.

Red light therapy takes the best components of sunlight, red and near-infrared while eliminating ultraviolet and delivers these to the body. This is extremely beneficial in winter months when our skin receives minimal amounts of natural sunlight.

How To Choose A Red Light Therapy Device To Treat SAD

red light therapy

When it comes to SAD and light therapy, there are a few things you need to consider before purchasing a device. Here are a few tips on how to choose a red light therapy device:

1. Figure out your budget. Red light therapy devices can vary in price, so it’s important to figure out how much you’re willing to spend before starting your search.

2. Consider the size of the device. If you plan on using your device at home, you’ll want to make sure it’s small enough to fit in your space. Some devices are designed for portable use and can be used in various positions and settings. Larger devices cover more area but are less portable so are better suited to a room where you go to administer your treatments.

3. Choose a device with adjustable settings. Many red light therapy devices come with adjustable settings, so you can tailor the amount of light exposure to your needs. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin or are just starting out with light therapy treatments.

4. Consider the warranty and return policy before making your purchase. Most reputable companies offer at least a one-year warranty on their devices. All LumiRed devices are covered with a 3-year warranty for your peace of mind.

If you need help choosing a red light therapy device to treat your seasonal affective disorder, please schedule a free call with one of our experts here.

Phototherapy: How it works and what are the benefits

Phototherapy is a treatment that uses focused doses of light to help improve certain medical conditions. The light can stem from natural sunlight or artificial sources of light like special lamps. Red light therapy is a type of phototherapy and by far one of the safest forms of light therapy available to date. If you’re wondering whether red light therapy could help improve your medical condition, how phototherapy works and what its many benefits could be for you, read on for your ultimate guide to understanding red light phototherapy.

History of Phototherapy and Its Evolution

The concept of using light to treat a number of conditions, especially skin conditions, is not a new concept. The use of phototherapy as a treatment dates back almost 3500 years ago when ancient Egyptians regularly practised heliotherapy in treating skin conditions like leucoderma. However, with technology, light therapy evolved into something quite different.

Not long after Edison’s invention of the lightbulb, a Danish scientist discovered that concentrated electric light could speed up wound healing for lupus patients. It would take another 70 years for the first low-level laser therapy device to be developed in 1967. It was only in the late 1990s that modifications to LEDs evolved into red light therapy as we know it today.

How Phototherapy Works

Red light therapy uses red LED light to stimulate the mitochondrial cells. These cells absorb light particles to produce energy by releasing ATP, a chemical compound responsible for cellular energy. When there is increased cellular energy, the result is increased oxygen in the bloodstream, better circulation and faster cell regeneration. Thus, exposing the skin to red light can help reduce inflammation, itching and other symptoms associated with a variety of skin conditions as well as improve general well-being.

Phototherapy can be administered in various ways, including via lamps, booths and panels. The type of phototherapy you receive will depend on your condition and your doctor’s recommendation. A course of treatment typically lasts several weeks or months and is usually done multiple times a week.

Types of Phototherapy

There are several different types of phototherapy that can be used to treat a variety of conditions. The most common type of phototherapy used by dermatologists is ultraviolet light therapy, which uses either ultraviolet A (UVA) or ultraviolet B (UVB) light to treat conditions like psoriasis, vitiligo, newborn jaundice and atopic dermatitis.

Other types of light therapy which do not use UV rays include:

  • Infrared therapy, which uses imperceptible red light and heat to penetrate the skin and promote tissue and cell healing;
  • LED therapy, which uses different coloured LED light, including red and blue light, to target specific areas of the skin (red light therapy falls under this umbrella);
  • Pulsed light therapy, which uses high-intensity pulses of light to improve the appearance of the skin and for permanent hair removal.

There are a number of different terms for red light therapy which include:

  • Low-level laser therapy
  • Photobiomodulation
  • Phototherapy
  • Non-thermal LED therapy
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Biostimulation

Uses of Phototherapy

There are many different uses of phototherapy that treat various health conditions. The conditions treated depend on the type of light therapy used. Some of the most common phototherapy benefits when using red light therapy include:

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): This is a type of depression that occurs during the winter months when there is less natural daylight, which can reduce levels of mood-boosting serotonin. Phototherapy can be used to help increase the amount of light exposure and thereby improve mood.
  • Chronic Pain: Red light therapy is commonly used as a treatment for pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, scoliosis and carpal tunnel. Red light therapy works to reduce inflammation which is often the cause of pain.
  • Insomnia: For those struggling to get a decent night of sleep, phototherapy can help regulate melatonin production and the body’s circadian rhythm for better sleep patterns.
  • Athletic Performance & Recovery: Because RLT increases energy levels, reduces inflammation and speeds up tissue healing, it can not only improve athletic endurance and performance but speed up your post-workout recovery.
  • Acne: While UV phototherapy is often recommended for acne treatment, repeated exposure can have other damaging effects on the skin cells. Red light therapy used on its own or in conjunction with blue light therapy can radically improve the appearance of acne by reducing inflammation and slowing down sebum production, which is responsible for clogging pores. You could try an at-home red light face mask if you don’t have the budget for a dermatologist.
  • Psoriasis: This is a skin condition that causes red, scaly patches on the skin. Phototherapy can help reduce the size of the patches and improve symptoms.

Phototherapy Risks

Red light therapy does not carry the same risks as UV phototherapy because it is an entirely natural process. It is painless, safe and when used as per the instructions, void of risks. There have been reports of minor burns and blistering when people have fallen asleep with the devices on their bodies, exceeding the recommended treatment times, or if power cords have been damaged. LumiRed only sells FDA-approved devices that are not associated with the same risks as UV phototherapy.

While red light phototherapy is considered to be safe, there are some potential risks and precautions to take if going the UV route. Risks include damage to skin cells, increased risk of skin cancer and eye sensitivity.

Key Takeaway

Phototherapy is a safe and effective treatment for a number of common ailments and offers a number of benefits to patients. It is a low-risk, safe and affordable alternative treatment that can be administered in the comfort of your home, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Your choice of device is important. If you are unsure of which to choose to best suit your needs and budget or you wish further information on how our products can help you, please reach out for a complimentary consult here




Hönigsmann H. History of phototherapy in dermatology. Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2013 Jan;12(1):16-21. doi: 10.1039/c2pp25120e. PMID: 22739720.

Ajiboye, T. (2022, August 7). Phototherapy: Uses, Benefits, and Risks. Verywell Health.

Phototherapy for Skin Conditions. (n.d.). UVA Health.

Pictures of the Benefits of Light Therapy. (2022, April 13). WebMD.

Cobb, C., Cafasso, J., Wilson, D. R., & Cherney, K. (2018, May 11). Red Light Therapy: Uses, Benefits, and Risks. Healthline. 

Cobb, C., Johnson, J., & Barrell, A. (2019, July 29). Red light therapy: Benefits and side effects. Medical News Today.

Could Red Light Therapy Calm Your Anxiety?

If you happen to be part of the 18% (and counting) of the Irish population who suffer from an anxiety disorder, you may be seeking out an alternative therapy, so you can live your life to the fullest again. Recent studies have shown almost 1-in-4 people in Ireland have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder since 2020. However, there’s a new treatment on the block, and it's showing some promising results: red light therapy.

How light affects the body

Light is an important part of our overall health and well-being. In fact, we all need natural light in order for our bodies to function optimally. With working from home now the norm, people are spending much more time indoors and most are not exposed to adequate natural light in day-to-day life. This affects healthy cell functioning and bodily processes.

Lack of sunlight leads to mood disorders

Lack of exposure to adequate natural light can deplete serotonin and dopamine stores, resulting in chronic anxiety and depression. In addition to this, spending too much time indoors can itself can lead to various mood disorders, including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Before we explore the benefits of red light therapy as a treatment for anxiety and depression, it is important to note that while beneficial, red light therapy should not replace working with a therapist or any other prescribed treatments but instead be used to enhance their effects and boost the overall wellbeing of the body.

How can red light therapy treat anxiety?

red light therapy

Now that you have a better understanding of how natural light impacts your mood and overall wellbeing, let’s look at how, specifically, red light therapy can help you manage your anxiety symptoms.

There are mitochondria within every cell in your body that are responsible for generating energy. Much like with photosynthesis in plants, red light therapy stimulates these powerhouse cells and produces a number of favourable results. These include:

  • Increase blood circulation and thus create an anti-inflammatory response throughout the body;
  • Optimise metabolic activity in the brain cells to more effectively take in oxygen and help you think clearly;
  • Reduce free radicals and cell damage;
  • Reduce global inflammation, decreasing brain fog, pain and elevating mood.

Unlike other forms of light, red light can infiltrate the many layers of skin more deeply and therefore the cells in the body can more readily absorb light. This has led scientists to also refer to red light therapy as photobiomodulation therapy – or PBMT – because of its unique ability to influence cellular functioning. Recent studies showed that regular red light therapy treatments reduced anxiety in up to 70% of participants within two weeks. With this in mind, let’s look at the mental health benefits of red light therapy in detail.

Recharge Your Batteries

Low levels of energy and fatigue are often associated with anxiety disorders. As we touched on above, red light therapy stimulates the mitochondria that power your body with the energy it needs to function. Because the body is so amazing and cleverly designed, it sends the energy to whichever part of the body needs it most. So, after regular red light therapy sessions you can expect to start feeling an increase in your energy levels and clarity of thought.

Give Your Brain A Boost

When red light therapy is concentrated on the head, some remarkable things can happen, which in turn, reduce symptoms of anxiety. First neuroprotection occurs, which means your brain cells function in an optimal state and cell death is reduced. Second, neurogenesis takes place, which is the regrowth of neurons damaged by injury or degeneration. Last but not least, red light therapy triggers synaptogenesis, which boost neuroplasticity and the ability of the brain to form new neural connections – this can help you replace the neural connections linked to your anxiety.

Catch More Z’s

One of the best benefits by far of red light therapy is improved sleep. Red light therapy is able to reach the hypothalamus, which is the part of your brain that controls your circadian rhythm, aka when your brain tells you it’s time to wake up and time to go to sleep. If your circadian rhythm is out of whack, and you’re fighting insomnia night after night, this can reduce your body’s ability to stay zen.

When you’re tired you’re less equipped to deal with stressful situations and more inclined to go into fight-or-flight mode more easily. In fact, lack of sleep more than doubles your odds of experiencing anxiety. It’s also no secret that many anxiety sufferers struggle to fall asleep and/or stay asleep – in fact, up to 70% report sleep disturbances as a main symptom of their condition.

While bright, natural light can signal to your brain it’s time to be awake, red light stimulates the brain to produce sleep-inducing melatonin, helping you fall asleep faster and for longer.

Holistic Wellness

Red light therapy increases optimal metabolic activity in the body’s cells, improves blood circulation (and thereby oxygen absorption) and increases cognitive function. This brings about a sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being. These three pillars of health are interconnected and when one is under strain, your overall sense of well-being will also take a knock. Red light therapy’s ability to bring about holistic wellness can make you more mindful of the powerful mind-body-spirit connection.

Create Self-Care Habits

A big part of managing anxiety disorders is implementing routines and rituals, and self-care should always form part of this routine. For example, part of your daily routine could be going for a walk after work and a healthy ritual could be repeating positive affirmations while you’re doing your hair in the morning. Red light therapy can become a part of your self-care routine by forcing you to take 15 minutes out of your day to relax and release the stress of the day.

Key Takeaways

Red light therapy offers a drug-free, complementary treatment that can enhance the effectiveness of talk therapy and prescribed medications to bring about holistic wellness including better sleep, improved cognitive function and higher energy levels. Ready to give red light therapy a try? Find a device for discreet and convenient treatment in the comfort of your home.

Your choice of device is important. If you are unsure of which to choose to best suit your needs and budget or you wish further information on how our products can help you, please reach out for a complimentary consult here

Prevent Overtraining and Boost Recovery

Fast recovery from exercise is often touted as the holy grail. Being able to train again in the shortest possible timespan is the key to enhancing performance but doing this is a delicate balancing act in terms of preventing injury and overtraining. Accelerating recovery with light therapy, is it really possible? What is recovery? Recovery is defined as the restoration of physical and mental function after physical stress, usually resulting in a higher level of performance. Physiological recovery is the return to baseline levels of physical and mental function, while psychological recovery is the return to baseline levels of motivation. The goal of recovery is to allow the athlete to train and compete at their peak levels as often as possible, without suffering from overtraining. What Is Overtraining? Since its discovery in the mid 1800's, overtraining has been described by many different terms including "over-fatigue" and "exhaustion". The main symptoms include increased fatigue, diminished ability to perform daily tasks, depressed mood, muscle and tendon pain, reduced athletic performance, sleep disturbances, increased appetite, weight gain, and reduced immune function. For athletes, the main symptom is a loss of performance. Anecdotal evidence suggests that overtraining is common among athletes and recreational exercisers. In fact, a study performed by the American College of Sports Medicine showed that the majority of adults engage in at least one episode of overtraining per year. Overtraining can be caused by numerous factors including excessive volume, poor nutrition, and inadequate recovery. Overtraining is the result of training at a level of intensity or volume that is greater than the body can handle. Overtraining is often confused with over-exertion or over-straining, but these terms are not synonymous. Over-exertion and over-straining may occur as a result of performing a task to near-maximal capacity. Overtraining can also occur when a person performs a task for longer than they are capable of recovering from. How can red light therapy help you recover faster? Researchers have found that when we’re injured, our bodies send out signals to repair the damage. If we’re unable to repair the damage, the body releases chemicals that cause inflammation and pain. Since the body only has so much energy available, it is unable to recover from physical stresses that are too much, or prolonged. Red light therapy's primary mechanism is the restoration of cellular energy though stimulation of the mitochondria. When your body is depleted, Red Light Therapy is one of the most effective ways of bringing you back to a fully functioning state. It works by exposing the body to a specific wavelength of light which triggers stem cell activity in the body. This increases your body’s ability to repair and heal itself. This is achieved enhancing the bodies natural process in a painfree and drugfree manner. Athletes can also double up the process by performing gentle stretching, yoga or myofascial release while exposing their body to the healing effects of Red and Near Infrared light. Many professional athletes and sports teams are embracing the healing properties of light therapy in their recovery and injury prevention routines. Experience the benefits for yourself with LumiRed high powered LED panels.

Explainer-How does Red Light Therapy work?

Red Light Therapy for Horses, Dogs and Pets

Red light therapy is not just for humans, our furry friends can also experience the multiple wonderous benefits of this therapy. Animals suffer many of the same afflictions that humans do; arthritis, inflammation post surgery, slow healing wounds, infections, tendon issues, sprains and strains. Just as people are shifting towards more holistic forms of treatment for themselves, pet owners are seeking the same for their beloved animals. Red and Near Infrared light works much the same way in animals as it does in humans. Light in the Red and Near-infrared spectrums increase cellular energy in the mitochondria. Energised cells function better and more efficiently enabling faster healing, reduced pain and better overall function and health. Most pets are very comfortable around Red Light. Dogs have a more limited visual colour range than humans so are not as visually sensitive to light as humans. Cats tend to love warmth so love being exposed to light as do many other pets. Smaller animals may need less exposure to light whereas larger animals will benefit more exposure. Furry animals will gain more from being close to the light because fur, like clothing will hinder the penetration of light to the tissues. Slow healing wounds, infections or post surgical wounds respond tremendously well to Red and NIR light. Pets, horses and any animals that have wounds can often experience huge acceleration of the healing time with exposure of the wound to light. There is no difference in our LumiRed panels for animals instead of humans so they can serve a dual purpose of improving the health of you and your family members as well as your beloved animal. Research: Red Light Therapy for Horses A study found that horses with soft tissue injuries heal significantly faster when treated with a red light wavelength of 635nm. Wounds were made in the mid-metacarpal region of the legs of eight horses. After eighty days, horses treated with the red light had fully healed, while those in the control group (which hadn’t received the treatment) were still in the process of healing. The study’s authors concluded that red light therapy promoted tissue regeneration while reducing inflammation and pain. Another study carried out on fourteen horses in 1987 found that infrared light therapy alleviated chronic back pain. The horses had been unable to perform at their expected standards due to longstanding back pain, and had received little benefit from other therapies. They received a light therapy treatment weekly, for an average of 11 weeks. Ten of the fourteen horses experienced an improvement in their back pain that was so significant they were able to return to training and competing. At the one-year follow-up, nine of these ten horses continued to perform well. Red Light Therapy for Dogs A study evaluated the effects of preoperative red light therapy on dogs undergoing bone surgery. Twenty-seven dogs were divided into two groups, one of which received the red light treatment pre-operatively, the other of which received a sham treatment. Eight weeks after treatments, a greater proportion of the dogs treated with light therapy had healed. These findings were supported by another study which found near-infrared wavelengths significantly accelerated bone healing in dogs.

LumiRed vs LumiPro: What are the differences?

One of the most commonly asked questions we get from new customers is what the differences are between our LumiRed and LumiPro range. Here we will outline the differences between them to allow you to make the best choice for your individual needs. Controls: Our LumiPro range comes with a digital control panel. You can set your treatment time along with individual controls for Red and NIR. You start your treatment with the touch of a button and your panel will automatically turn off at the end of the set time. Our LumiRed range comes with manual switches, one for Red and one for NIR. Turning on both switches starts the panel and you can easily time your session on your watch or phone. You then turn off the switches manually when finished. Design: The LumiPro range features a more sturdy robust design with the aluminium shell extending over the front of the panel around each individual LED. This protects the panel more but also makes it a little heavier. Modular Capability: The LumiPro range is modular which means other LumiPro panels can be connected together with a provided link cable. All connected panels are then controlled with one digital display. LED Lifespan: The LumiRed LED’s have a lifespan of 50,000 hours while the LumiPro range is 100,000 hours. The LumiPro range is better suited to more intensive use or use within a commercial setting such as a clinic or spa.

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