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Reduces Autoimmune Side Effects

Red light therapy (RLT) has been explored as a complementary treatment for managing some of the side effects associated with autoimmune conditions. Autoimmune diseases, which occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues, can lead to a variety of symptoms including inflammation, pain, fatigue, and skin issues. RLT, with its therapeutic properties, may offer relief in several ways: 

1. Reducing Inflammation: A key feature of many autoimmune diseases is chronic inflammation. RLT is believed to help reduce inflammation by increasing blood circulation and reducing the production of cytokines, which are inflammatory markers. This can help alleviate pain and swelling associated with inflammatory autoimmune conditions.

2. Pain Relief: Chronic pain is a common issue in autoimmune diseases. RLT's potential to reduce inflammation and improve circulation can also contribute to pain relief, making daily activities more manageable for individuals suffering from autoimmune conditions.

3. Skin Health: Autoimmune conditions like psoriasis and lupus can affect the skin. RLT may promote healing and reduce symptoms in some skin-related autoimmune disorders by enhancing skin regeneration and reducing inflammation.

4. Improving Energy Levels and Mood: Fatigue and mood disorders are often associated with autoimmune diseases. While RLT's direct impact on these symptoms is less clear, improved cellular function and reduced pain and inflammation might contribute to better overall energy levels and mood.

5. Enhancing Tissue Repair: RLT is thought to stimulate collagen production and increase ATP production in cells, which can aid in tissue repair and healing, beneficial for skin and other tissues affected by autoimmune reactions.

6. Non-Invasive and Low Risk: RLT is a non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive therapy, making it an attractive option for those who may already be managing complex treatment regimens or looking to avoid additional medication side effects.

It's important to remember that while RLT can offer symptomatic relief, it is not a cure for autoimmune diseases and should be used as part of a broader treatment plan overseen by healthcare professionals. The effectiveness of RLT can vary based on the specific autoimmune condition and individual response to the therapy.

Lessens Chronic Pain

Red light therapy (RLT) has shown promising results in managing chronic pain, offering a non-invasive and drug-free alternative to traditional pain management methods. The therapy works by emitting low-level wavelengths of red light that penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the mitochondria in the body's cells. This absorption stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for cellular energy and function. The enhanced cellular activity helps in repairing and rejuvenating tissues, which can lead to the following benefits in chronic pain management:  

1. Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is a common cause of chronic pain. RLT has been found to reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow and reducing oxidative stress in the cells, which can alleviate pain and promote healing.

2. Enhanced Circulation: Improved circulation is another benefit of RLT. By increasing blood flow to the affected areas, RLT helps in reducing pain and inflammation while facilitating the healing of tissues.

3. Muscle Relaxation: RLT can aid in muscle relaxation, which is particularly beneficial for conditions like muscle spasms or stiffness often associated with chronic pain syndromes.

4. Nerve Regeneration: There's evidence to suggest that RLT can aid in nerve regeneration, which is crucial for conditions involving nerve damage or neuropathic pain.

5. Joint Health: For conditions like arthritis, RLT can help in reducing joint pain and improving mobility.

6. Safe and Non-Invasive: Unlike some pain management treatments that involve drugs or surgery, RLT is non-invasive and has a low risk of side effects, making it a safer alternative for long-term use.

How Red Light Therapy Benefits Your Skin

Your skin is actually an organ and provides protection for your internal tissues, like the organs your body relies on for survival. As we go through life, our skin is exposed to many harmful substances, toxins, microbes, and other particles. These environmental factors can have a significant impact on your skin’s health and appearance. There are also skin conditions, like eczema and acne, that can quickly take a toll on your skin. Red light therapy might be an excellent addition to your skincare routine, giving you access to a rejuvenating treatment that helps to repair and improve your skin.

How Does Red Light Therapy Affect Your Skin

Red light therapy is a trending treatment that people are turning to for everything from dealing with wrinkles to stopping insomnia. The therapy essentially uses low wavelengths in the form of red light. These devices expose your skin to the red light, but the light itself can reach deep into your body. The therapy has been said to rejuvenate our bodies and promote healing - but our focus now is to see how this technology benefits your skin.


The potential of red light therapy comes in when we take a closer look at mitochondria. This is something that forms part of all the cells in your body. Without the mitochondria, your cells wouldn’t have the energy they need to function the way they should. Your mitochondria essentially absorb the light that these devices emit, and, in turn, this provides a boost in cellular energy.


The idea behind this entire pathway is that, when cells shave more energy, they can work better. This includes cells that make up your skin.


There are different ways in which red light therapy can help the skin, so it’s important to consider each of these advantages individually.


  • Collagen production: Collagen is a type of protein that is important for the elasticity of your skin. In addition to keeping your skin elastic, collagen also plays a role in factors like the structure and strength of your skin. Over time, collagen production starts to decline, which increases the likeliness of wrinkles and a sagging appearance. Red light therapy helps by stimulating the production of collagen, which can improve elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Fibroblast production: Red light therapy actually works on molecules that come even before collagen - they are called fibroblasts. When you use red light therapy on your skin regularly, it can also make your body create more fibroblasts. These molecules are actually responsible for creating collagen.
  • Blood circulation: If there is not enough blood that reaches your skin, it can cause problems with cellular health. This is because blood carries both oxygen and nutrients to your cells. Red light therapy is known for its ability to increase blood circulation. By targeting these devices directly in problematic areas, you can increase the amount of blood that circulates in that area. This, in turn, would help to make more oxygen and nutrients available to cells in the area, essentially boosting their efficacy.
  • Antioxidant activity: Many of the things we’re exposed to daily cause free radicals to thrive in our bodies. These molecules cause damage to your body in various ways, through a process called oxidative stress. Antioxidants are molecules that actually fight off these free radicals. As you continue to experience exposure to certain environmental factors, your body’s antioxidant activity can decline, making it less capable of fighting against these free radicals. By enhancing the antioxidant capacity of your skin, red light therapy also helps to lessen oxidative stress. This can help to reduce the rate at which you experience skin aging.
  • Inflammation: Another common problem that we experience with skin health is inflammation. If you have problems with eczema or acne, for example, then you’re already familiar with inflammation. This swelling on your skin can leave scars and be damaging in some cases. Red light therapy helps to reduce the amount of inflammation you experience without affecting the rate at which your skin heals from acne and other problems.

When Should You Use Red Light Therapy For Your Skin?

Red light therapy can be a great maintenance tool that you can use regularly to preserve the appearance and well-being of your skin. However, the technology can also be very useful for specific problems that you face.


If you have scars, skin that has been damaged due to sun exposure, or want to improve the general texture of your skin, then red light therapy is definitely a good option for you. Additionally, it can also be used to help with acne, speed up the wound healing process, reduce the appearance of stretch marks, and even if you need an anti-aging solution.


The frequency at which you should use red light therapy depends on a few factors. Start by considering why you want to use the technology. You also have to consider whether you have easy access to one of these devices at home. In this case, you can consider using the red light therapy device as frequently as three times every day. Spending about 20 minutes in front of the device for each session is a good idea, as this gives you sufficient exposure of red light to ensure you can experience the benefits that it can offer.


We all have to abide by a busy schedule in the modern day, though. That means it could be difficult to squeeze three 20-minute sessions into your daily routine. Fortunately, when you opt for a high-quality device, just one or two sessions every day can still give you noticeable results. Many of these devices are also rather compact, which means it should not be a significant problem to take it with you. With targeted treatment devices, for example, you can continue with your daily routine while resting the target therapy areas close to the device.

Final Takeaway

Taking care of your skin is incredibly important. It is the largest organ of your body, after all. When it comes to caring for your skin, it’s crucial to avoid things that are harsh, especially if you struggle with sensitivities. While there are medicated treatments for common skin conditions, you also have to note their side effects.


Red light therapy offers a safe and natural alternative that energizes the mitochondria in your cells. This gives your cells more energy and essentially makes them work more effectively. Red light therapy can also help to lower inflammation, which is a common side-effect of certain skin conditions. Overall, red light therapy can effectively reduce skin problems and give you clear, flawless skin when used on a regular basis.


Skin Layers. MedlinePlus.


Red Light Therapy. Cleveland Clinic.


  1. Wunsch, K. Matuschka. A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase. Mary Ann Liebert Journal. Published 1 February 2014.


H.E. Oh, A. Yoon, Y.G. Park. Red Light Enhances the Antioxidant Properties and Growth of Rubus hongneonsis. MDPI Plants. Published 26 November 2021.



What Can Red Light Therapy Do For Inflammation?

Inflammation is one of those two-sided responses of the human body. When you cut yourself, inflammation is a good thing. It happens when your immune system sends fighter cells (white blood cells) to start the healing process. Inflammation not only facilitates healing, but also helps to keep germs, like bacteria, out of the wound. However, it’s not always a good thing. Sometimes, inflammation becomes chronic, and this can have damaging effects on your body.

There are many ways to ward off inflammation, including holistic methods like red light therapy. We’ll explore the potential health impact that inflammation can have on your body and look at what red light therapy from Lumi Red can do for you.

What Is Chronic Inflammation, And Why Is It Bad?

There are two main types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation refers to inflammatory triggers that happen temporarily. You bump your toe or maybe scrape your finger against the sharp side of the knife. The inflammation that happens following these events plays an important role in helping your body heal.


Chronic inflammation rather refers to inflammatory responses that develop gradually and last for a long period of time. In this case, inflammation is no longer a “good” thing in your body. Instead, it can become something that causes a lot of damage to your organs, joints, and otherwise healthy tissues.


One of the main concerns about chronic inflammation is the fact that it’s not easy to detect. If you have a wound, then you can visually observe the inflammation that develops in the surrounding tissue. With chronic inflammation, which some experts refer to as “low-grade” inflammation, you cannot really see it. Instead, it develops slowly over time and, in the process, can cause health problems for you.


There are many studies that have taken a closer look at chronic inflammation and the many effects it can have on the human body. Through scientific research, this type of inflammation has been linked to a number of health problems, including serious diseases.


If you have low-grade inflammation that is not addressed, it can possibly become one of the root factors involved in diseases like:


  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Arthritis
  • Chron’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Alzheimer’s disease


This is only a small list of chronic health conditions that may hold a strong link to this low-grade inflammation.


The question now is - how does chronic inflammation lead to these conditions? The answer depends on a couple of factors, but generally, we have to focus on the fact that your body is now constantly sending more pro-inflammatory cells to certain areas of your body. Perhaps you had an injury in the area previously, and even though you are better, your body is still sending these cells to the site. Chronic inflammation can be systemic as well, which means in this case, these cells are sent to different areas throughout your body.


The consistent inflammatory response that happens in certain areas can then attack healthy tissue. When this happens, health problems generally follow.


To give you a better idea of how this works, let’s consider an example - rheumatoid arthritis.


In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system continuously sends out these inflammatory cells to joints. As the cells reach the joints, the inflammatory responses “attack” the joint tissue.


Other substances are also sent to your joints in rheumatoid arthritis. In the end, this causes inflammation to rise up continuously in the area and damages your joint tissue. As joint tissue is damaged by rheumatoid arthritis and this consistent inflammatory response, you start to experience pain in the affected areas. Sometimes, the damage is so severe that it causes your joints to become deformed.

What Causes Chronic Inflammation?

We’ve taken a closer look at what chronic inflammation is and what it can do to your body. Now, let’s consider why it happens. There are actually a number of potential causes behind chronic inflammation. Knowing about them can help you better understand potential preventative measures that you can take - and this can essentially assist in reducing the risk of complications.


However, there are some cases where you don’t have significant control over the causes of chronic inflammation.


First, there are medical issues that can actually result in this type of inflammation. This includes the development of autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases, your immune system attacks tissue that is actually healthy. This triggers consistent inflammatory responses. The inflammation can then further damage these tissues. Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are two examples.


If you’re exposed to certain toxins, then this can also be a reason behind chronic inflammation. One example would be working at an industrial facility where you’re exposed to certain chemicals on a daily basis.


In cases where you have acute inflammation that requires further treatment, it can also become chronic. For example, if you have an injury that becomes infected, failure to treat it can lead to consistent inflammatory responses in the area. ot


Other than these, the causes behind chronic inflammation often lie in our lifestyles. This is why it’s important to understand what lifestyle factors can actually contribute to or even cause chronic inflammation to develop:


  • Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products
  • Drinking alcohol excessively
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Not exercising enough or pushing yourself too much


Another factor that can affect inflammation in your body is stress. While an acute stress response is useful, as it puts your body into a “fight or flight” state, when stress becomes chronic, you constantly have these hormones, like cortisol, circulating through your body. This can also cause inflammatory responses.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work For Inflammation?

The conventional treatment for chronic inflammation generally includes anti-inflammatory drugs. This may consist of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, also known as NSAIDs, or even corticosteroid injections. These medications generally provide short-term relief, and drugs used for conditions that cause chronic inflammation may sometimes cause serious side effects.


These are some of the reasons why people are looking for alternative ways to treat inflammation and reduce the impact it has on their bodies and health. This also brings us to red light therapy, a technique that’s seen a significant amount of interest in recent years.


Red light therapy is used to help in treating a wide range of conditions today. Amongst the many uses for red light therapy, there is inflammation. The technology seems to be exceptional when it comes to lowering chronic inflammation in the human body. The best news - it doesn’t come with the side effects linked to some of the pharmaceuticals that doctors usually prescribe when you have inflammatory conditions.


First, let’s consider what red light therapy is. It’s essentially concentrated light that a device delivers into your body. Apart from landing on your skin, the light can also penetrate into your body and affect your cells. This is where the benefits of red light therapy come in.


As the concentrated light hits your cells, mitochondria start to absorb it. The mitochondria is like the “power house” of your cells and play a critical role in making sure your cells have enough energy to function properly.


Red light therapy also has other effects on your body. When it comes to inflammation specifically, these are the main advantages that you should focus on:


  • Blood circulation: When the light from this technology hits blood vessels, it triggers the release of substances by the endothelium. This substance is a vasodilator, which means it helps to dilate blood vessels. In turn, this results in an increase in blood circulation. When this happens, your body can deliver more important nutrients to areas that are affected by inflammation. This increase in blood circulation also helps to bring inflammation down.
  • Antioxidant activity: Free radicals are molecules that cause oxidative stress in your body. This oxidative stress can be damaging and even contribute to your low-grade inflammation. Your body’s antioxidant activity and capacity are involved in fighting off these free radicals. Red light therapy also helps to boost the antioxidant capacity of your body, which then contributes to a further reduction in chronic inflammation.

Final Takeaway

Red light therapy is a holistic technology that helps to encourage homeostasis among your cells. By harnessing the power of special red lights, Lumi Red is able to help bring down inflammatory responses in your body. We believe that there is always an answer to chronic conditions - and when conventional medicines fail, red light therapy might just be the solution you’ve been looking for.


Lumi Red offers a diverse selection of red light therapy devices. This includes both full-body panels and targeted options, giving you the diversity you need to address the inflammatory conditions you’re struggling with. Browse our range of devices to find one that is perfectly suitable for your individual needs.


  1. Pahwa, A. Goyal, I. Jialal. Chronic Inflammation. StatPearls. Last Updated 7 August 2023.


Understanding acute and chronic inflammation. Harvard Health Publishing. Published 1 April 2020.


Inflammation. Cleveland Clinic.


  1. Keszler, B. Lindemer, D. Weihrauch, et al. Red/Near Infrared Light Stimulates Release of an Endothelium Dependent Vasodilator and Rescues Vascular Dysfunction in a Diabetes Model. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Published 1 December 2018.




Ease Psoriasis with Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy for Psoriasis It is defined as a chronic skin condition that leads to rapid turnover of the skin cells. Normally, people with psoriasis have silvery scales called plaques, which can cause painful irritation, and are located on various parts of their bodies. There are a ton of treatments available, many involving steroid creams and medication. However, Red Light Therapy is emerging as a simple yet highly effective one. The beauty of this form of treatment is it does not just reduce symptoms, it helps you become blemish free naturally. The proven efficacy of Red Light Therapy Red Light Therapy penetrates deep into the skin and cells, which then aids in the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), boosting cellular energy. ATP is pertinent in repairing the body from any forms of damage and promotes rejuvenation. With regards to the effectiveness of Red Light Therapy, many studies prove its efficacy. In 2010, a study showcased that if red light therapy were used consistently for a few weeks, it would reduce the brevity of Psoriasis; this is precisely what occurred within a month of its implementation on a few patients. Additionally, in 2011, a study was conducted to see whether this therapy is efficacious in aiding those with Psoriasis. There were 10 participants included in this study, and each of them was given exposure to the Red Light three times a week to exhibit results. In the end, the red light did prove to help treat scaling and itchiness. The benefits Red Light Therapy has to offer for Psoriasis sufferers Red Light Therapy promotes skin health in various ways:

  • Promoting healing and tissue repair
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system, assisting in the removal of toxins which leads to clearer healthier skin
  • Reducing Psoriasis lesions
  • Increases collagen production
  • Stimulates ATP production leading to reduced inflammation throughout the body
  • As global inflammation reduces, you will experience less stress in your body which in turn will lead to less flare up’s
What are the most effective Red light products to combat Psoriasis? There is a variety for you to choose from. We at LumRed specialise in Red Light Therapy products that are suitable for many different applications. If your symptoms are widespread and you need the maximum coverage in the shortest timeframe, our full body panels, the LumiPro 1500 or LumiRed 1000 will be best suited to your needs. They provide excellent coverage for your entire body and are known for their impeccable results! Additionally, you can achieve similar results with half-body panels, by treating different areas, one at a time. While more time consuming, the same results can be achieved and for some people, the portability of these smaller panels can be beneficial, while also being a more budget friendly option. However, the beauty of Red Light Therapy is its benefits across many different conditions. So while also addressing psoriasis, you can also treat your sore back, boost your energy, improve your sleep and all the family can benefit too! Want to learn more about our Red Light Products? Start browsing our website today!

Beat Chronic Fatigue with Light Therapy

End Chronic Fatigue with Red Light Therapy Everyone undergoes moments of tiredness; however, the beauty of Red Light Therapy is that it tackles the symptoms of chronic fatigue from the source.Since 1992, WHO itself has classified fatigue as a neurological illness, which therefore requires treatment. The harms attached to Chronic Fatigue: Chronic Fatigue doesn't end up developing overnight. It is a slow and gradual process and is usually linked to multiple factors and stressors. Classic signs of Chronic Fatigue include:

  • Persistent tiredness that lasts for around six months
  • Increasing tiredness
  • No improvement in your health, even after minimal physical effort
  • Some associated psychological problems akin to sore throats and headaches
  • No real cause of identification
  • Difficult to diagnose via headaches

Medical management of Chronic Fatigue can be somewhat limited as most investigations can often be normal. As it’s cause is usually multifactorial, and collectively these factors deplete the bodies energy resources, Red Light Therapy can often be the most efficacious form of treatment due to its main mechanism of action of improving cellular energy throughout the body. How does Red Light Therapy tackle Chronic Fatigue? Red Light Therapy works if you give it a chance! If you have any illness such as chronic fatigue, your energy reserves will get depleted. It is hard for these cells to recover, but Red Light aids in the stimulation of energy production. All cells in our body contain mitochondria. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. Red and Near-Infrared light boosts the production of ATP within the mitochondria, thereby increasing the energy within the cell, leading to improved function of that cell. The results will then be more optimal functioning of your body, because Red Light Therapy will be addressing your issue of Chronic Fatigue from its root, at a cellular level. In essence it restores your cells and collectively your body to it’s optimal function prior to the onset of your condition. Where can you purchase your Red Light Products from? Treatment of chronic fatigue can be difficult. It is hard to get answers and very commonly you feel like you get none and you are told this is something you have to live with. This is usually down to the fact that you and your body is not being looked at holistically. Our products help to address your issues from the source. When you have less fatigue and more energy it acts as a catalyst. You can exercise more, your mood improves, you can return to activities you enjoy, you make better food choices, you sleep better, you feel happier. Collectively this all serves to help you recover. For addressing the whole body quickly and effectively our full body panels achieves this is the easiest and shortest time frames. 15-20 minutes a day will be adequate to treat you full body. Our full body panels are the LumiPro 1500 and the LumiRed 1000. If you have budget constraints or prefer a more portable device, similar results can be achieved with our half body panels. You will just need to spend more time by treating multiple areas. It comes down to personal preference. 

Your choice of device is important. If you are unsure of which to choose to best suit your needs and budget or you wish further information on how our products can help you, please reach out for a complimentary consult here

LED Light Therapy Benefits for Facial Skin

If you’re not using LED light therapy to improve the appearance of your facial skin, you’re missing out on some serious beauty benefits. Face light therapy can help with everything from wrinkles and fine lines to acne and scarring. Everyone in the beauty world from dermatologists to celebrities is buzzing about the therapy that doesn’t only promise some serious improvements to your skin but actually delivers real results.

How Does LED Light Therapy Work For Skin?

Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that uses LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, which emit specific wavelengths of light that are then absorbed by the cells in your skin in order to treat skin conditions and improve overall skin appearance. RLT is also sometimes called photobiomodulation or low-level light therapy.

Red light therapy can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions including acne, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, rosacea and sun damage. RLT works by increasing collagen production, reducing inflammation and promoting cell turnover. It has also been found that red light can reduce the production of cytokines by the oil glands, which are drivers of inflammation, redness and pore congestion.

Most people see results after 3-5 sessions, but some may need more treatments to achieve desired results. Red light therapy is generally safe and well tolerated with few side effects reported.

LED Light Therapy Benefits For Skin

red light therapy

Red light therapy (RLT) has grown in popularity largely because it offers a quick and painless treatment to fight the signs of ageing without a needle in sight! Plus, the futuristic-looking red light devices are a pretty cool bonus and will make you feel like you’ve been to the year 3000.

Anecdotes aside, there are many benefits of red light therapy for the skin. RLT can help to:

  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
  • Fade sun damage and age spots
  • Even out skin tone
  • Stimulate collagen production
  • Reduce inflammation

RLT is a non-invasive, safe, and effective way to treat a variety of skin concerns. It can be used as an alternative to more invasive treatments, such as lasers and injectables.

How To Prepare

If you're considering red light therapy to improve your skin, it's important to do your research and understand the process. Here are two tips to help you prepare for your treatments:

1. Choose a reputable provider: When choosing a red light therapy provider or device, be sure to do your research and select a reputable, experienced professional or brand. All our LumiRed red light therapy devices are FDA-approved and include a 3-year warranty.

2. Understand the process: It's important to have realistic expectations about what LED light therapy can do for your skin. Be sure to ask your provider questions and get all the information you need before starting treatment. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, just fill out the contact form and schedule a call with our expert.

What To Expect During A Session

A typical red light therapy session lasts for about 20 - 30 minutes. During the session, you will sit or lie down under an LED light panel. The panel will emit red and near-infrared wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin. It should be painless and comfortable - in fact, you should think of it as an LED light therapy facial!

AT-Home RLT vs. In-Office RLT

While red light therapy was most commonly performed in a professional setting, there are now at-home devices that can be used to achieve the same results. We are often asked, “But is at-home LED light therapy as effective as treatments done in a dermatologist’s office?”

Experts agree that both at-home and in-office LED light therapy can be effective in improving skin complexion and reducing wrinkles. However, the study also found that in-salon treatments are more likely to produce faster results than at-home devices.

One reason for this is that professional devices are typically more powerful than at-home versions. They also often utilise different wavelengths of light, which can target specific skin concerns like acne or wrinkles. Professional treatments are also usually longer in duration, giving the skin more time to absorb the beneficial light energy.

With that being said, most people find it more convenient and cost-effective to do red light therapy treatments at home. In fact, there are a number of benefits to going the at-home route:

  • You own your LumiRed device for life
  • Flexible treatment times without having to schedule any appointments
  • Save on travel time and expenses without having to go to a salon
  • Comfortable, quiet and private treatment environment

For example, the Aduro LED Mask is designed specifically for treating the face. It offers 11 different treatment settings to work on a number of skin conditions.

Getting The Most Out Of Your LumiRed Device

When performing your red light therapy sessions at home with the LumiPro or Aduro mask you can treat each session like you’re having a professional treatment.

  • Take a picture before and after each session so you can track improvements over time
  • Set a schedule for your at-home treatments so you don’t miss a treatment and delay your results
  • Make it a self-care moment by including some candles or essential oils to help you relax
  • While the LumiRed devices don’t emit any UVA/UVB light, it is still recommended to wear protective eyewear if you have sensitive eyes

Post-Treatment Care

There is no downtime associated with red light therapy. You may experience a slight warmth during the session, but this should dissipate quickly. After the session, you can immediately resume your normal activities.

If you are putting time and money into improving the appearance of your facial skin, it is important to take good care of your skin so as not to disrupt your results. One of the most important things you can do for your skin is to protect it from the sun. Be sure to wear sunscreen every day, especially if you’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors. You should also stay hydrated by drinking lots of water to maintain supple skin.

Final Notes

Red light therapy offers a safe, comfortable and convenient at-home treatment for improving sagging skin, wrinkles and sun damage. With persistence and consistency, you can enjoy glowing and younger-looking skin within a matter of weeks.


Montemurro, A. (2022, February 7). Should You Try Red Light Therapy At Home? 8 Best Devices to Try. Editorialist. .

Avci P, Gupta A, Sadasivam M, Vecchio D, Pam Z, Pam N, Hamblin MR. Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) in skin: stimulating, healing, restoring. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2013 Mar;32(1):41-52. PMID: 24049929; PMCID: PMC4126803.

Li, W.-H., Fassih, A., Binner, C., Parsa, R. and Southall, M.D. (2018), Low-level red LED light inhibits hyperkeratinization and inflammation induced by unsaturated fatty acid in an in vitro model mimicking acne. Lasers Surg. Med., 50: 158-165.

How To Use Red Light Therapy At Home For Best Results

Red light therapy has become a popular way to improve skin health and reduce the signs of ageing. It’s also used to help with various other health issues, such as muscle pain, seasonal affective disorder and acne. With the increasing popularity of red light therapy and the availability of purchasing RLT devices, many people are looking for ways to use RLT at home. But can you get the same results as if you'd done your treatments in-office? It’s entirely possible if you follow these simple tips!

Determine Your Treatment Area/Condition

Many people wonder how to choose the best red light therapy device but this is often dependent on what you are treating. For example, if you're hoping to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, you'll want to focus on using the red light therapy device on your face, in which case a device like the Aduro LED Mask would be the best choice for you. If you're dealing with sun spots on your arms, chest and legs, you will need to treat a larger area of your body and choose larger red light therapy panels.

Once you've determined the treatment area, it's important to understand how long you need to use the device in order to see results. Generally, most people will see some improvement after just a few sessions of red light therapy. However, for more stubborn conditions, it may take longer to see results. Be patient and consistent with your treatments, and you should start to see some positive changes over time.

How To Use Red Light Therapy At Home

As a cutting-edge treatment for anti-ageing and a host of other conditions, red light therapy is non-invasive, safe and pain-free. But some preparation and diligence is required in order to see the best results. Now that you have chosen your red light therapy device, there are a few important points you should consider:

Prepare Your Skin

It is always best to start with clean skin, as certain cosmetic products can affect how the red light penetrates your skin. Cleanse with a non-greasy formula and skip the creams, make-up and sunscreen to ensure maximum absorption of the red light. These products could block your pores and decrease the effectiveness of your treatments.

Follow The Recommended Frequency

Many people also wonder about red light therapy frequency and while this varies between devices and the condition you are treating, the general recommendation is a minimum of 2-3 times a week. For optimal results 3 - 5 times a week brings better results. If you've got the time and are after faster results, you can choose to use the red light therapy device daily, even multiple times a day.

Session duration is generally 5 to 10 minutes but can be up to 20 minutes long depending on the area of treatment and your condition. For example, a stubborn muscle ache may respond faster to daily or twice daily 20-minute sessions than short, sporadic sessions.

So, I bet you are wondering, can you overdo red light therapy? Yes and no. Yes, in that you won’t reap any additional benefits from a one-hour session than you would a 20-minute session. No, in that it is a very safe treatment with no side effects or risks.

Use Your Device At The Correct Distance

Red light therapy is most effective when used at the correct distance from the device. For the treatment of skin issues, it is recommended to keep a distance of between 30 cm and 90cm. For stubborn areas or where deeper light penetration is required, you can position yourself 15 cm to 30cm from your red light therapy panels. This is the optimal red light therapy distance to keep for the best results.

If you were wondering, "does red light therapy work through clothes?" The answer is no! If you are treating areas of the body or full body, the areas will need to be fully unclothed to be properly exposed to red light. Clothing can block the light from entering the skin.

Don't Stare Straight Into The Light

While red light therapy is generally safe, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you're thinking about using it at home. Don't stare directly into the light source, as this could damage your eyes, especially if they are sensitive to light.

Set A Schedule & Reminders

If you want to use red light therapy at home for the best results, it is important to set a schedule and reminders. By setting a schedule, you will ensure that you are consistent with your treatments. Reminders can help you stay on track with your treatments and make sure that you do not miss any sessions.

It is important to find a time that works for you to do your treatments to improve adherence. You may need to experiment with different times of day to find a time you are most likely to stick to.

Take Progress Pictures

Because results can be subtle at first, it is important to take progress pictures to remain consistent. This will help you track your progress and see if the treatment is working for you.

If you are not sure how to take progress pictures, here are some tips:

1. Use a digital camera or smartphone.

2. Take a picture of your face or the area you are treating from the same angle each time.

3. Use natural lighting whenever possible.

4. Take pictures every week or two weeks for the best results.

Consider Combining Treatment With Supplements and Skin Products

When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of products and treatments out there that promise to give you the best results. But what works for one person might not work for another. So, it's important to find what works best for you and your skin type.

  • Using a quality anti-wrinkle skin cream or serum like Retinol can also help maximise the effects of red light therapy.
  • Products containing Green Tea Extract can bring about results 10x faster than light therapy alone, according to the American Chemical Society.
  • Supplements like collagen or vitamin C can help improve the appearance of your skin by boosting skin hydration and collagen production.

Other Useful Tips

1. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations: Every device is different, so it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to use it safely and effectively.

2. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can lead to dull, sullen skin and muscle aches, which will not positively contribute to your progress. Staying hydrated can help amplify results and improve your overall health.

3. Be patient: Don't expect overnight results - it takes time for skin changes to occur from red light therapy as well as any of the other red light therapy benefits. However, you should start seeing some improvement in your skin within 4-6 weeks of consistent treatment.

Final Takeaway

Armed with this information, you should have a good understanding of how to use red light therapy at home for the best results. Here are some final takeaways:

  • It is important to choose an FDA-approved red light therapy device that emits the right wavelength of light for your specific needs.
  • Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when using red light therapy at home.
  • You may need to use red light therapy several times a week for best results.


American Chemical Society. "LED Light And Green Tea Cream Smooth Facial Wrinkles." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 September 2009. <>.

Ablon, Glynis. “Phototherapy with Light Emitting Diodes: Treating a Broad Range of Medical and Aesthetic Conditions in Dermatology.” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology vol. 11,2 (2018): 21-27.

Red Light Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Almost 28 million adults in the UK report suffering from chronic pain of varying levels of discomfort. Of this group at least 2% experience uncomfortable sensations and pain due to fibromyalgia. While research into the condition is still going on all over the globe, the condition often goes undiagnosed or untreated, leaving those afflicted to deal with their chronic pain alone. However, with advancements in medicine, particularly in technologies such as Red Light Therapy (RLT), there is hope for fibromyalgia sufferers to receive more effective treatments for their symptoms.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, anxiety and depression. While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms.

These debilitating symptoms have far-reaching consequences. People with fibromyalgia may find it difficult to socialise or keep up a job. They may have to modify their day to work around the pain.

What Causes Fibromyalgia?

There is no definitive cause of fibromyalgia, but it is thought to be related to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. One theory is that it may be caused by changes in the way the brain processes pain signals.

Fibromyalgia often develops after a physical or emotional trauma, such as a car accident or the death of a loved one. There may also be a link between fibromyalgia and certain medical conditions such as arthritis, Lyme disease and endometriosis.

Treating Fibromyalgia

There are many different treatment paths that people with fibromyalgia can take. Some common treatments include:

Exercise and physical therapy: This can help to increase muscle strength and endurance, improve joint function, and decrease pain.

Medications: There are various medications that can be used to treat fibromyalgia, such as pain relievers, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs.

Counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy: These therapies can help people with fibromyalgia manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Alternative therapies: Some people with fibromyalgia find relief with alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage or yoga.

Red Light Therapy: Red light therapy is an increasingly popular treatment option for people with fibromyalgia. This therapy uses low levels of red light to reduce inflammation and pain. A growing body of research suggests that red light therapy can be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia.

How Red Light Therapy Can Help Treat Fibromyalgia

Red light therapy uses red low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to treat various conditions. RLT is sometimes referred to as photobiomodulation or low-level laser therapy. Red light therapy is considered safe with no side effects when instructions are followed correctly.

Red light therapy for fibromyalgia may help to:

  • reduce pain
  • improve sleep quality
  • increase energy levels
  • decrease stiffness and improve range of motion

Red light therapy works by stimulating the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the major source of energy for cells and is required for many cellular processes. By increasing ATP production, red light therapy may help to reduce pain and inflammation, increase oxygenation and improve cell function. Think of your body like a battery, fibromyalgia and similar conditions deplete the charge of your battery. Red light therapy stimulates ATP production, recharging your bodies battery.

There may be even more to the anti-inflammatory effects, however. Microglia are the primary immune cells of the central nervous system and are responsible for the surveillance and removal of damaged neurons. When microglia are activated, they release inflammatory cytokines and other molecules that can contribute to pain. Additionally, activated microglia release chemicals that can inhibit nerve growth and regeneration, further exacerbating pain. Finally, recent research has shown that microglial activation may be involved in the development of centralized sensitization, a key feature of fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that red light therapy can convert inflammatory macrophages into anti-inflammatory cells, thereby reducing the inflammation associated with fibromyalgia.

Studies have shown that red light therapy can stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which acts to dilate blood vessels. Reduced vasoconstriction leads to increased blood flow throughout the body. In addition to this, RLT has been found to stimulate the formation of new blood cells.

A 2019 study found that red light therapy was effective in reducing pain, depression, and anxiety and improving the quality of life in people with fibromyalgia. The study participants who received red light therapy had significant improvements in pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, and mental well-being compared to those who did not receive the therapy.

Treat Fibromyalgia At Home with Red Light Therapy

If you find your condition dismissed and that conventional treatments have yet to improve your symptoms, red light therapy can in fact be used effectively to treat fibromyalgia in the comfort of your home. You can purchase a red light therapy device for home use and use it as recommended for pain relief, improved sleep and an overall boost in your general wellness. If you are struggling with pain all over your body, you may get the greatest benefit from a full body red light panel.

Red light therapy is a promising treatment for fibromyalgia, especially as this condition is often poorly managed under standard medical intervention. It addresses the symptoms at a cellular level leading to improvements globally throughout the body.

Your choice of device is important. If you are unsure of which to choose to best suit your needs and budget or you wish further information on how our products can help you, please reach out for a complimentary consult via this link: 

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